Monday, January 13, 2014


Pono Choice?

The once-secret and now-exposed sex education program for Hawaii public schools,  called PONO Choices, sets the State of Hawaii up for a well-deserved civil law suit. 

The Ghost Ship from Hell
PONO CHOICES describes itself as "A Culturally Responsive Teen Pregnancy and STI Prevention Program." Though one read of the instructor's manual, shows that the author is clueless of culture in Hawaii. It is no surprise that this author has not signed their name to this work. 

Nonetheless the BOE and DOE and Governor Abercrombie have promoted it to the schools. So they, it seems, are left holding the liability bag.  

PONO CHOICES clarifies its "Target Audience" as follows: "The target population is Native Hawaiians, Part-Hawaiians and Asian/Pacific Islander students, ages 11 thru 13. who attend 7th grade in middle or intermediate schools."   

Which is blatant violation of Article X--Section ONE, of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii; which specifies: "There shall be no discrimination in public educational institutions because of race, religion, sex or ancestry"

If this doesn't rouse Hawaii's people to challenge the State's new education system--Common Core  (with all its add-ons)--in a court of law, I guess nothing will.

For more detais, see Code Blue Article

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