Testimony--Part Two

To The Honorable Gary WB Chang
First Circuit Court--State of Hawaii

PART TWO--Beyond Violations

In Part One of this testimony, we reviewed a few violations of the The State Constitution which our elected officials are currently active or are otherwise contemplating, as illustrated by bills circulating in the 2014 Legislature, and other resources.

In Section Two, we site activity which go beyond violations and enter the realm of undermining the very fabric of our Constitution, by supplanting Constitutional principals with policies of foreign governments.

For Part Two, definitions of two terms should probably be clarified:
"The Constitution" and "Treasonous activity," .

"The Constitution" here, refers to The Constitution of The State of Hawaii, with the understanding that this Constitution includes in its Preamble:
"The Constitution Of The United States of America is adapted for the benefit of the People of Hawaii."

"The Constitution" is defined here as: "The Supreme Law of the Land; written by The People for the Government to follow."

"Treasonous activity" is distinguished from "Treason"
Citing the standard definition of 'treason": "Aiding and abetting the enemy in time of war."
"Treasonous activity" is defined here as: "Knowingly or unknowingly supplanting our Constitutional government by instituting policies, into law, which originate from foreign governments; without openly disclosing the origins of those policies."

We see many bills being introduced in our Legislature that are recognizable as policies that originate in The United Nations. Among these: Public-Private Partnerships; Sustainability initiatives (eg The Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Plan;)  certain public-land use policy initiatives (e.g. The PLDC;) and initiatives dealing with "education reform" (e.g. Common Core standards/curriculum and early-learning initiatives.)

Some of these bills pass through the Legislature, into Law. Others are rejected in the Legislature. Those that do pass, undermine our State's Constitution and thereby the integrity of our Republic.

Of most concern to me are those relating to education reform which comes in the form of Common Core State Standards (CCSS or simply Common Core.) The public has been told that Common Core is a "State-led initiative" and that it originates with the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers. 

These claims are false. Common Core actually originates from UNESCO. It is the American version of UNESCO's "Education for Sustainable Development."

EXIBIT A is a public document issued by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO.) It shows clearly that the education in our public schools in Hawaii originates from the United Nations. 

The pathway this document reveals is as follows:
UNESCO (education for sustainable development)>>>International Bureau of Education>>>United States Government>>>Common Core State Standards (via the NGA and CCSSO)>>>Hawaii State Government>>>Hawaii DOE>>>Our public-school classrooms. 

In other words, we are teaching our keki United Nations' philosophy.

The United Nations has no obligation to uphold The Constitution. In fact the U.N. is known to regard the U.S. Constitution with contempt. U.N. policy is mostly influenced by Soviet doctrine, socialism, and Marxist philosophy.

United Nations policy is written by prominent Communists and Socialists. For example, Our Common Future--the U.N. initial document for global Sustainable Development--was co-authored by Gro Harlen Brundtlant and Maurice Strong. Likewise, The Earth Charter is written under the direction and Maurice Strong and Mikhail Gorbachev. 

So it should be no surprise that U.N. doctrine is founded on Communist doctrine. While there are several links between UNESCO's education format to the classrooms in Hawaii's public schools, it is only a short step from United Nations doctrine to The Soviet Constitution of 1977.

In other words, we are teaching our keki the principals embedded in the Soviet Constitution of 1977 [which is Communism] and NOT the principals supported in the Constitution of the United States of America and related documents.

This is not supposition, based on a bureaucratic paper trail found on line. It is based on hard evidence found in classrooms across the United states, including Hawaii.

I would submit to your court, then, that we are witnessing treasonous activity, amongst certain elected officials in government--both federal and state--and that the People of Hawaii are currently subject to rouge government.

I would also submit to your court the common sense notion that 'when government violates the Constitution consistently, without correction, that we are left in a state of anarchy.' Further, when anarchy floats on undercurrents of Marxist or Soviet doctrine, as it is through current "education reform" policies, we are in eminent danger of becoming a Marxist/soviet state.

The dynamics of this situation might be best summed up in the words of Abraham Lincoln: 
"The philosophy in the classroom of one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next."
I would not have considered running for governor, in the first place, had I not thought the situation in our state was as serious as I have just outlined.

With full respect to Mr. Nago, his official capacity as Chief Election Officer, The Constitution and laws of the State of Hawaii, I am happy to comply with what ever decision you arrive at.
Please let me know if you require anything further from me.

Richard Morse.

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