[Find Hawaii on the list of states and check the strategic plan.]
You may also wish to explore the World Core Curriculum. Common Core appears to be a dumbed-down version of this.

Then, there's the U.N.'s Agenda 21 Chapter 36 on Education. They have succeeded in "Reorienting education towards sustainable development." world wide. Hawaii is no exception.
This 'sustainability' education lies at the very basis of our educational system in all public schools and publicly-funded charter schools in Hawaii.
In other words, the claim that Common Core is a state-led initiative is a complete ruse....or more accurately a big, fat lie.
Additionally, the so-called Pono Choices--our perverted and very dangerous sex education program--is a UNESCO agenda as well. *
The claim that Pono Choices originates in The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Center on Disability Studies is just another lie. The CDS just added a few cheesy Hawaiian words with new convenient definitions.
My favorite is "Aloha" which now means "Having mutual respect for each other." [Isn't that special?] This new definition is straight from the UNESCO tolerance propaganda.
Also see this video for more sex-ed lies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs7-rSM9gos
And it's about to get worse, with programs called "New Civics" and "Next Generation Science Standards"...which are all apart of the U.N. sustainability indoctrination...designed to fill our kids with fears of global warming and programming them with collectivist propaganda. The U.N. counterparts to these education schemes can be found here and here respectively.
Dr. Duke Pesta, sums up the nature of these additions to the Common Core-aligned curicula in this video :
[You Tube Link]
Add the Microsoft link between Common Core and UNESCO, and the agreement between Ronald Reagan and Micheal Gorbachev to combine the education and science of the Soviet Union and United State of America, and there should be little doubt that we have been betrayed by our own governments--state and federal; and that our children are in great danger.
----------------------Add the Microsoft link between Common Core and UNESCO, and the agreement between Ronald Reagan and Micheal Gorbachev to combine the education and science of the Soviet Union and United State of America, and there should be little doubt that we have been betrayed by our own governments--state and federal; and that our children are in great danger.
*You can download Representative Bob McDermott's report on Pono Choices--Pdf. Or watch the public briefing on it here.
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