Ask: Does this approach to education inhibit individualism and the students' ability to think for themselves?
Also note that the same theme--sustainable development--is driven into our kids' heads from Kindergarten through 12th grade.
Ask: Is this education or indoctrination?
The second video (below) introduces The Next Generation of Science Standards which are aligned with Common Core.
Pause this second video at 3 min, 35 sec. and read the subliminal message, in the sample lesson, regarding stabilizing the population.
Ask: What is that doing in a physics lesson?
"Preparing for the Next Generation Science Standards" [NGSS]
We might also ask: "What happened to the scientific method?"
Ask: What happened to Galileo? What happened to Aristotle, Ptolemy, Kepler, Newton...Einstein? Is there no room for these giants in Next Generation Science?
Ask: What the hell is this guy talking about?
The third video explains how every school subject is embedded in (or intertwined with) every other subject, in the Common Core approach.
Ask: Why? Doesn't this produce kind of a mush of education? How can a student tell one subject from another? Are they only learning one thing? And, if so...What?
Video 3: Connections Between Practices in NGSS, Common Core Math and CC English Language Arts.
After reviewing these videos (and there is more on line),Ask: Is Common Core wasting our kids time? Are they really learning anything? What is the real Agenda behind this education? What will be the mind-set of the generation Common Core is producing?
Ask: What sort of government will Hawaii have when they become of age?
"The philosophy in the classroom of one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next" --Abraham LincolnIf you think Hawaii might be an exception to the rule, please refer to Common Core Standards Hawaii for clarification:
"The Common Core Standards in Hawaii are identical to the other
states who have adopted these standards."
Extra Credit
Video4: Teaching CCSS aligned Music
Note her blithering on about the Universal Constructs--the four Cs:
states who have adopted these standards."
Extra Credit
Video4: Teaching CCSS aligned Music
Note her blithering on about the Universal Constructs--the four Cs:
critical thinking [check out my page on critical thinking]
Very little about music here, that I can see.
Extra! Extra!
Proof is in the Pudding
Even more Credit
Here we have an array of video clips featured on the The Learning Channel. Some of these look pretty reasonable. And there are some excellent teachers featured here.
Though, I keep in mind a couple of things:
One is that these are heavily edited, designed to promote CC.
Another, is that the Common Core Standards and curriculum changes at the whim of the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers. The NGA and CCSSO share the copyright for the standards, and thereby, maintain strict control over the standards. So a year from now, they could be entirely transformed.
Another, is that the Common Core Standards and curriculum changes at the whim of the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers. The NGA and CCSSO share the copyright for the standards, and thereby, maintain strict control over the standards. So a year from now, they could be entirely transformed.
Some of the more-reveling videos that were once featured on this website have been deleted. Though, below, I have selected three class sessions that I found disturbing, in spite of the purge.
Video: Analyzing Macbeth
Ask: Is this Shakespeare or Boot Camp
Ask: What are they really preparing these kids for?
Video: Guided Reading with Jenna...
Ask: Is this appropriate for our 5th graders in Hawaii (or anywhere)? Where are these kids being guided to? Do these kids look like they are enjoying learning? Are they really learning anything worth while?
Math Class
Math Class
Then there's this:
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