Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Crash Course in Common Core

Jane Robbins of the American Principals Project shares her expertise on education reform in the United States. The American Principals Project is one of the leading organizations on the front line in the war against Common Core..

Jane Robbins,  Common Core: Dangers And Threats To American Liberty And Education Part one of five. [You Tube Link]

Jane Robbins testifies on Data Collection in schools.
[You Tube Link]


This more-recent video by Dr. Duke Pesta, gives a more up to date report than the above video by Jane Robbins. Dr. Pesta speaks of new subjects added to the CC curriculum. 
Brilliant anti-Common Core Speech by Dr. Duke Pesta.
[You Tube Link]

Dr Pesta is  brilliant and passionate in this information-packed presentation. [This is 2 hours long,]]

Dr. Sandra Stotsky, Professor Emerita at the Unversity of Arkansas, served on the Common Core Validation Committee, as THE ONLY content expert in English Language Arts.  Dr. Stotsky refused to sign off on the standards, for lack of quality, and has been traveling across the Nation since, denouncing Common Core State Standards--exposing them for what they are.

--Report by Dr. Sandra Stotsky  

Whistle blower, Charlotte Iserbyt--formally with the U.S. Department of Education and author of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America--reveals the big picture of public education in the United States; of which Common Core is only the latest development.

Dr. Peg Luksik--elementary school teacher of 35 years and  former advisor to the U.S. Department of Education--gives an insightful presentation on the hidden intent and dynamics of Common Core.
She notes:
"The Standards are not for the Schools. The Standards are for Your Child."--Dr. Peg Luksik
"Common Core is not something the government is doing FOR the child but something the Government is doing TO the child."

"The child is not the client, it is The Product"--Dr. Peg Luksik

Here Dr. Luksik puts Common Core in a nutshell.

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