Part I: Authorizes the State to exchange lands for certain agricultural and conservation lands owned by Dole Food Company, Inc.
Part II: Expands the Kalaeloa community development district.
Part III: Establishes the Whitmore project facility revenue bond special fund into which proceeds from revenue bonds shall be deposited for purchasing certain parcels of land from Dole Food Company, Inc. Appropriates funds to acquire certain Dole Food lands.
SB 3065 is spearheaded by Donovan Dela Cruz, making it suspect from the start. Though, to the untrained eye, the bill seems innocent and well-intended enough. One might even be fooled into thinking that the good senator has turned over a new leaf [this election year] and is actually doing something beneficial for the state.
Yet, to the experienced conspiracy theorist, this bill stinks to high heaven of Agenda 21. This second paragraph is a dead giveaway. You hardly need to read any further:
"The legislature further finds that there is a continuing need to protect and preserve unique natural assets, both for the enjoyment of future generations and to establish base lines for environmental impact. The present system of preserves, sanctuaries, and refuges must be strengthened, and additional areas of land suitable for agriculture and preservation should be set aside. These additional areas of land may contain rare species of plants and animals, portions of the State's major watershed areas, and prime agricultural lands."
If this paragraph seems innocuous to you, then you need to brush up on Agenda 21--The United Nations plan for global sustainable development; including The Wildlands Project.
There are many on-line sources to explore. You can get a quick A-21 summery here:
You might not believe everything in this presentation, but please hear it out. And ask yourself, "What if only half the information presented here is true? Would it be OK?" *
My thought is that this U.N. Agenda 21 may be twice as sinister as this slide presentation describes. If you let your imagination run for awhile, you might come to the same conclusions that I have.
Buffer Zones.
The buffer zones, as found in the Wildlands scheme to protect bio diversity, are not clearly defined in SB 3065. But they are subtlety there--hiding in plain sight:
"The present system of preserves, sanctuaries, and refuges must be strengthened,..."
That "strengthening" will arrive in later bills, maybe next year--after the election--when everybody doesn't have to be on their best behavior. Here, the strengthening bit will be better defined; and we will see the words:
More resources:
* Agenda 21 Explained--full version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GykzQWlXJsDemocrats Against Agenda 21
UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Information Hawaiian Islands
Senator Laura Thielen does a run down on this bill, SB5065, on her blog, here. (See Contest and Contest Updates...it starts here. ) A surprise ending comes with the Attorney Genera'ls testimony.
Video on Agenda 21, Wildlands and More:
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