Saturday, April 26, 2014


The comprehensive education system that the Governor is asking for--one that is controlled by a central government,  that begins in preschool,  is precisely the system that spawned the Hitler Youth.   That has always been the  obvious end-game danger of Common Core. Clearly, when you utilize the same can expect  the same result.

 I was afraid to mention this because people might think I was wacko....or, at best, in possession of an over-active imagination. But now, we see, 
it has already begun. This story is from one year ago.
Let's take a look. 

TimesUnion dot Com Article

Another news clip here....which reveals that the "the assignment was supposed to make the Albany high school students think crittically"

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Common Core--Age Inappropriate

According to Dr. Megan Koschnick--childhood development expert--Common Core Standards demand too much from younger kids, and the curriculum is not appropriate for their cognitive abilities.

As a result, these kids undergo stress; their independent spirits are subdued; and they are robbed of their natural creativity. If you like the idea of this, reelect Neil Abercrombie.

Monday, April 21, 2014

My viirtual Stand on Gun Control

...courtesy of the virtual President:

"Don't mess around with Roy Rogers," My daddy used to say.

Sunday, April 20, 2014


If you take away nothing else from my un-campaign, take away that.

Of course, I don't expect anyone to believe me. No one has yet. They say, "No we're not." Or, "Nobody is shooting at me." They seem incensed that I would suggest such a thing.

But recently I stumbled on this interview with Yuri Bezmenov--ex-KGB agent--who explains the nature of this bulletless war. He makes no bones about it: "The United States is in a state of War....undeclared, total War."

Even with his credentials, I don't expect anyone to believe him either. Neither does he. He knows better. He knows Americans are oblivious to their political environment and are not likely to "unplug the bananas from their ears" any time soon. 
I'm tempted to add that people in Hawai'i  are worse off, in this respect, than the average American.

"Unlike myself," Yuri warns,  "you will have nowhere to defect to," ...This is it. This is the last country of freedom and possibility."

This is the tail end of a I hour:20 min. interview with G. Edward Griffin from 1984. The full version is here>>

Friday, April 18, 2014

What is Critical Thinking?

"Critical thinking" has become a fashionable buzz phrase these days. This variety of thinking is promoted in Common Core as an essential skill for 2ist century learning. 

But, what is critical thinking? And where does the term come from?

Taking first things first, critical thinking means exactly what it sounds like. It means thinking like a critic. It means looking for the flaws in a it a movie, a meal, or a government...and judging that thing by virtue of its flaws. 

It's as simple as that.

What Common Core neglects to do is inform the student (and their parents) that critical thinking comes from "Critical Theory"--a sociological theory (of sorts) contrived by a Marxist named Max Horkhiemer, who, in the early 20th century, was among the school which agonized over the failure of Marxism in America; and endeavored to come up with a new strategy...other than the usual slaughtering millions of people who might not agree with the beauty of Communism. The new strategy Came to be known as Cultural Marxism, and can characterized in one word: "Subversion":
1) Destroy the family
2) Destroy private property
3) Destroy religion
4) Destroy the nation

How is it working so far?

The two video clips below go into more detail. In one of them, the narrator tells you that Horkhiemer takes the Marx perspective in criticizing American values...with examples:

  • Was Abe Lincoln really honest?
  • Did the white land-owners/slave-owners who wrote the Constitution consider themselves as "the People", while excluding African slaves and women as People?
  • Is the traditional nuclear family really a wholesome place to raise children?

In Common Core, these are actual questions our kids are instructed to exercise their critical thinking skills on. They are given part of the facts (the bad part) and directed to take it from there.

This second video, "Critical Theory", is pretty hokey; and I am not going to vouch for it. However, it is a fine example of how Critical Theory can be turned back on the Commies who invented it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Killing Our Keki

Terrence O Moore, Ph.D., a former Marine, and assistant professor of history at Hillsdale College; Michigan, explains how the Common Core Standards and Curriculum, deprives our kids of the wealth of literature and humanities that is their birthright.  And teaches them, instead, the limited and distorted view of the world embraced by Communism.