We are mostly interested in the first segment of this video, which ends about 40 minuets in. This appears to have been taped in the Clinton years--the 90s
You Tube Link
We see here that the push for World Government, by faceless-nameless power brokers. has been underway for decades. In this context, it becomes clear that our local politicians, who are facilitating this scheme in Hawaii, are only cogs in a far-greater movement.
My intuition tells me that Hawaii has been specifically targeted as a model fiefdom of this new world government...for a number of reasons. One reason is because Hawaii is an ideal target due to its unique state-wide education system. Here, a central government has the unique opportunity of influencing (or indoctrinating) an entire generation of youth--every keki. ...without having to worry about resistance from individual school distrticts.
And, this, by all appearances, is the agenda that our current governor is aggressively pursuing. His state-run early learning programs; mandatory kindergarten; attempts to allow public funding to private preschools...are all part of a comprehensive agenda to prepare our kids for impending World Government.
Due to the nature of this new world government, our keki will need to learn to surrender their sovereign, individual rights. And that is what they are learning now. Our kids are in great danger.
Jane Robbins of the American Principals Project shares her expertise on education reform in the United States. The American Principals Project is one of the leading organizations on the front line in the war against Common Core..
Jane Robbins, Common Core: Dangers And Threats To American Liberty And Education Part one of five. [You Tube Link]
Jane Robbins testifies on Data Collection in schools. [You Tube Link]
This more-recent video by Dr. Duke Pesta, gives a more up to date report than the above video by Jane Robbins. Dr. Pesta speaks of new subjects added to the CC curriculum.
Brilliant anti-Common Core Speech by Dr. Duke Pesta. [You Tube Link]
Dr Pesta is brilliant and passionate in this information-packed presentation. [This is 2 hours long,]]
Dr. Sandra Stotsky, Professor Emerita at the Unversity of Arkansas, served on the Common Core Validation Committee, as THE ONLY content expert in English Language Arts. Dr. Stotsky refused to sign off on the standards, for lack of quality, and has been traveling across the Nation since, denouncing Common Core State Standards--exposing them for what they are.
Whistle blower, Charlotte Iserbyt--formally with the U.S. Department of Education and author of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America--reveals the big picture of public education in the United States; of which Common Core is only the latest development.
Dr. Peg Luksik--elementary school teacher of 35 years and former advisor to the U.S. Department of Education--gives an insightful presentation on the hidden intent and dynamics of Common Core.
She notes:
"The Standards are not for the Schools. The Standards are for Your Child."--Dr. Peg Luksik "Common Core is not something the government is doing FOR the child but something the Government is doing TO the child."
"The child is not the client, it is The Product"--Dr. Peg Luksik
If you have any doubts that our National Education standards--currently called Common Core--are derived from and aligned with international education standards, click here
[Find Hawaii on the list of states and check the strategic plan.]
You may also wish to explore the World Core Curriculum. Common Core appears to be a dumbed-down version of this.
Then, there's the U.N.'s Agenda 21 Chapter 36 on Education. They have succeeded in "Reorienting education towards sustainable development." world wide. Hawaii is no exception. This 'sustainability' education lies at the very basis of our educational system in all public schools and publicly-funded charter schools in Hawaii.
In other words, the claim that Common Core is a state-led initiative is a complete ruse....or more accurately a big, fat lie. Additionally, the so-called Pono Choices--our perverted and very dangerous sex education program--is a UNESCO agenda as well. *
The claim that Pono Choices originates in The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Center on Disability Studies is just another lie. The CDS just added a few cheesy Hawaiian words with new convenient definitions. My favorite is "Aloha" which now means "Having mutual respect for each other." [Isn't that special?] This new definition is straight from the UNESCO tolerance propaganda. Also see this video for more sex-ed lies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs7-rSM9gos And it's about to get worse, with programs called "New Civics" and "Next Generation Science Standards"...which are all apart of the U.N. sustainability indoctrination...designed to fill our kids with fears of global warming and programming them with collectivist propaganda. The U.N. counterparts to these education schemes can be foundhere and here respectively. Dr. Duke Pesta, sums up the nature of these additions to the Common Core-aligned curicula in this video :
[You Tube Link] Add the Microsoft link between Common Core and UNESCO, and the agreement between Ronald Reagan and Micheal Gorbachev to combine the education and science of the Soviet Union and United State of America, and there should be little doubt that we have been betrayed by our own governments--state and federal; and that our children are in great danger.
---------------------- *You can download Representative Bob McDermott's report on Pono Choices--Pdf. Or watch the public briefing on it here.
"Early childhood is defined as the period from birth to eight years old. A time of remarkable brain growth, these years lay the foundation for subsequent learning and development. UNESCO advocates for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programmes that attend to health, nutrition, security and learning and which provide for children’s holistic development. It organized the first World Conference on ECCE in September 2010, which culminated in the adoption of a global action agenda for ECCE called Moscow Framework for Action and Cooperation: Harnessing the Wealth of Nations. As a follow-up to the World Conference, UNESCO works in partnership with Member States, partners and other stakeholders to encourage timely and effective implementation of the Moscow Framework so that all young children develop their potential to the fullest."
-------------------------------------------------------------------- More from UNESCO Four globalist educators are asked: What are the three most important skills a child should learn?
"Firstly, they need to learn about culture – culture is a kind of glue, it keeps us together. It’s like tea with sugar – it creates flavour and the colour we need. Secondly, values and respect. Do we respect our parents and elders enough? Are the gaps here increasing? We need to keep in mind that education comes from home – our families are the first “teachers” in our lives. They are crucial to us so respect and values are important. Thirdly, history – we should know our past so we can improve our future.” --Sikander Sabeer, National Youth Movement for UN Post-2015 Development, Sri Lanka
"Children should be thinking critically about who they are and how they relate to their world around them, in a social and political perspective with a focus on peace, equity and sustainable development. They must be learning how to be literate and numerate, be problem solvers and be resilient.” --Urvashi Sahni, Study Hall Education Foundation, India
“For a child to work across a huge spectrum of life, they will need life skills, core values and the opportunity to unlock the treasure within.” --Govind Singh, Council of Pacific Education, Fiji
"They need soft skills to be good citizens, vocational skills for employment and basic education to equip them with knowledge.” --Vutha Lay, NGO Education Partnership, Cambodia
A year ago, Robert Scott, then the commissioner of education in Texas, shook up the ed world when he said that standardized test-based accountability had led to a “perversion” of what a quality education should be. He’s no longer the Texas commissioner, but Scott is still worth listening to. He just gave a speech to Georgia legislators in which he detailed how he was pressured to sign on to the Common Core Standards before they were written.
Partial Transcript from Scott's testimony--copied from the Washington Post:
"My experience with the Common Core actually started when I was asked to sign on to them before they were written. … I was told I needed to sign a letter agreeing to the Common Core, and I asked if I might read them first, which is, I think, appropriate. I was told they hadn’t been written, but they still wanted my signature on the letter. And I said, ‘That’s absurd; first of all, I don’t have the legal authority to do that because our [Texas] law requires our elected state board of education to adopt curriculum standards with the direct input of Texas teachers, parents and business. So adopting something that was written behind closed doors in another state would not meet my state law.’ … I said, ‘Let me take a wait-and-see approach.‘ If something remarkable was in there that I found that we did not have in ours that I would work with our board … and try to incorporate into our state curriculum …
Then I was told, ‘Oh no no, a state that adopts Common Core must adopt in its totality the Common Core and can only add 15 percent.’ It was then that I realized that this initiative which had been constantly portrayed as state-led and voluntary was really about control. It was about control. Then it got co-opted by the Department of Education later. And it was about control totality from some education reform groups who candidly admit their real goal here is to create a national marketplace for education products and services.
Even more troubling to me was the lack of transparency. … These standards sere written behind closed doors. … We didn’t know who the writers were until the project was complete."
The three videos below are about teaching Common Core. Note that the emphasis, in each, is on cultivating collectivism, or group problem solving, or "group think." Ask: Does this approach to education inhibit individualism and the students' ability to think for themselves? Also note that the same theme--sustainable development--is driven into our kids' heads from Kindergarten through 12th grade.
Ask: Is this education or indoctrination? The second video (below) introduces The Next Generation of Science Standards which are aligned with Common Core. Pause this second video at 3 min, 35 sec. and read the subliminal message, in the sample lesson, regarding stabilizing the population. Ask: What is that doing in a physics lesson? Video 2:"Preparing for the Next Generation Science Standards" [NGSS] We might also ask: "What happened to the scientific method?"
Ask: What happened to Galileo? What happened to Aristotle, Ptolemy, Kepler, Newton...Einstein? Is there no room for these giants in Next Generation Science? Ask: What the hell is this guy talking about?
The third video explains how every school subject is embedded in (or intertwined with) every other subject, in the Common Core approach. Ask: Why? Doesn't this produce kind of a mush of education? How can a student tell one subject from another? Are they only learning one thing? And, if so...What?
After reviewing these videos (and there is more on line),
Ask: Is Common Core wasting our kids time? Are they really learning anything? What is the real Agenda behind this education? What will be the mind-set of the generation Common Core is producing?
Ask: What sort of government will Hawaii have when they become of age?
"The philosophy in the classroom of one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next" --Abraham Lincoln
If you think Hawaii might be an exception to the rule, please refer to Common Core Standards Hawaii for clarification:
"The Common Core Standards in Hawaii are identical to the other states who have
adopted these standards." Extra Credit Video4: Teaching CCSS aligned Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=o8ukUkKLma0 Note her blithering on about the Universal Constructs--the four Cs:
Here we have an array of video clips featured on theThe Learning Channel. Some of these look pretty reasonable. And there are some excellent teachers featured here.
Though, I keep in mind a couple of things: .
One is that these are heavily edited, designed to promote CC. Another, is that the Common Core Standards and curriculum changes at the whim of the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers. The NGA and CCSSO share the copyright for the standards, and thereby, maintain strict control over the standards. So a year from now, they could be entirely transformed.
Some of the more-reveling videos that were once featured on this website have been deleted. Though, below, I have selected three class sessions that I found disturbing, in spite of the purge.
Ask: Is this appropriate for our 5th graders in Hawaii (or anywhere)? Where are these kids being guided to? Do these kids look like they are enjoying learning? Are they really learning anything worth while? -------------------------- Math Class
The comprehensive education system that the Governor is asking for--one that is controlled by a central government, that begins in preschool, is precisely the system that spawned the Hitler Youth. That has always been the obvious end-game danger of Common Core. Clearly, when you utilize the same system...you can expect the same result. I was afraid to mention this because people might think I was wacko....or, at best, in possession of an over-active imagination. But now, we see, it has already begun. This story is from one year ago. Let's take a look.
TimesUnion dot Com Article
Another news clip here....which reveals that the "the assignment was supposed to make the Albany high school students think crittically"
According to Dr. Megan Koschnick--childhood development expert--Common Core Standards demand too much from younger kids, and the curriculum is not appropriate for their cognitive abilities.
As a result, these kids undergo stress; their independent spirits are subdued; and they are robbed of their natural creativity. If you like the idea of this, reelect Neil Abercrombie.
If you take away nothing else from my un-campaign, take away that. Of course, I don't expect anyone to believe me. No one has yet. They say, "No we're not." Or, "Nobody is shooting at me." They seem incensed that I would suggest such a thing. But recently I stumbled on this interview with Yuri Bezmenov--ex-KGB agent--who explains the nature of this bulletless war. He makes no bones about it: "The United States is in a state of War....undeclared, total War." Even with his credentials, I don't expect anyone to believe him either. Neither does he. He knows better. He knows Americans are oblivious to their political environment and are not likely to "unplug the bananas from their ears" any time soon. I'm tempted to add that people in Hawai'i are worse off, in this respect, than the average American. "Unlike myself," Yuri warns, "you will have nowhere to defect to," ...This is it. This is the last country of freedom and possibility."
"Critical thinking" has become a fashionable buzz phrase these days. This variety of thinking is promoted in Common Core as an essential skill for 2ist century learning. But, what is critical thinking? And where does the term come from? Taking first things first, critical thinking means exactly what it sounds like. It means thinking like a critic. It means looking for the flaws in a thing...be it a movie, a meal, or a government...and judging that thing by virtue of its flaws. It's as simple as that. What Common Core neglects to do is inform the student (and their parents) that critical thinking comes from "Critical Theory"--a sociological theory (of sorts) contrived by a Marxist named Max Horkhiemer, who, in the early 20th century, was among the school which agonized over the failure of Marxism in America; and endeavored to come up with a new strategy...other than the usual slaughtering millions of people who might not agree with the beauty of Communism. The new strategy Came to be known as Cultural Marxism, and can characterized in one word: "Subversion": 1) Destroy the family 2) Destroy private property 3) Destroy religion 4) Destroy the nation How is it working so far? The two video clips below go into more detail. In one of them, the narrator tells you that Horkhiemer takes the Marx perspective in criticizing American values...with examples:
Was Abe Lincoln really honest?
Did the white land-owners/slave-owners who wrote the Constitution consider themselves as "the People", while excluding African slaves and women as People?
Is the traditional nuclear family really a wholesome place to raise children?
In Common Core, these are actual questions our kids are instructed to exercise their critical thinking skills on. They are given part of the facts (the bad part) and directed to take it from there.
This second video, "Critical Theory", is pretty hokey; and I am not going to vouch for it. However, it is a fine example of how Critical Theory can be turned back on the Commies who invented it.
Terrence O Moore, Ph.D., a former Marine, and assistant professor of history at Hillsdale College; Michigan, explains how the Common Core Standards and Curriculum, deprives our kids of the wealth of literature and humanities that is their birthright. And teaches them, instead, the limited and distorted view of the world embraced by Communism.
It's my day of rest. It's Sunday. Tomorrow I'll file with what ever signatures I have--still 28. Among those, I have no idea of how many are valid. If under 25, I'll close shop. At some point, as I have known all along, I simply have to put it in Gods hands. Good old AA. I have suited up and showed up...maybe not perfectly....but just the same; I've done the footwork. Now its God's turn.
Yesterday I got turned down flat 3 times on signatures; one time from a guy I knew. You know--Ron. He says No, he wont endorse me.....he supports Abercrombie. But then complains about the GMO farmers. When I say Abercrombie supports GMOs he still refuses to sign. It seems like a lot of people can't put 2 and 2 together. I admit I get a little angry,....but there's nothing I can do about that. I realize I'm powerless, and have to let it go at some point. If god says "No" then 'No' it is. Its his game now. I'm done.
I accept its a different world. It's changed and it's changing still yet. But I am grateful for the old world I lived in, and thought grownups might want to take a look at it...maybe for the last time...and measure its worth, before they cast their children into the abyss of the unknown. I'm not talking about your grand kids. They will probably be alright; especially with their strong parents. I'm talking about the really young kids, and the ones that haven't got around to being born yet. They're the ones at stake....not us.
So I got a haircut. Told my barber that I wanted to look good for filing, Monday. She's a Buddhist like Jann, shaved head and all, except she's Vietnamese. She has a little temple in her barbershop and she uses it when there's no customers around.
She asks why I'm running. I tell her that I can tell her and she would understand, while most people in Hawaii would not. I tell her that Hawaii is being taken over by Communism and people don't know it. She doesn't miss a clip. She knows Communism and gives me the perfect haircut. I give her a Constitution for her grand kids; but she wants two...so give her another one.
After, she invites me to sit on the couch and sits too on the other couch. She says she'll retire soon...3 years...maybe 5 years, and go back to Vietnam. Her accent is thick and English just enough to get by, so I have to listen carefully. Like Jann, she will practice her Buddhist stuff. It's all about her soul. "I send all my money back," she tells me. She doesn't want to have any, when her time comes. She can't take it with her. She only takes her spirit.
"I give it to the blind ones," she tels me. I know which ones shes talking about. I have a stack of photos of them--8x10 glossys. Those are the ones I shared with the Senate Ag committee...sending them into hysterics....all but for Solomon, whose brother died of Agent Orange. She remained calm. I want to cry when I look at them. I tell them "Sorry" like it was my fault....I don't know why. "And I give to the ones that can't speak," she tells me. "They born after. And the ones that can't hear." I don't have photos of those ones. "From the War?" I ask. "No," she says....then changes her mind, "Yes. From the chemicals."
We're sad. I tell her "They're not done with Vietnam yet." She's not surprised. She knows. It never ends. I show her my little me4gov flier--U.S. and U.N. flags, side by side, with "OR" in the middle. She considers for a second. "I take this one." She picks the stars and Stripes, touching it with her finger. Of all the hundred-some-odd people who have seen it, she is the first....and only...to actually make "the choice." "You look good," I guess she is referring to the haircut. "I pray for you. You rest tomorrow. Monday when you go, you go rested...and I pray for you." That makes two bald Buddist ladies who say they will pray for me. Today is my day of rest. Tomorrow I will ride upon their prayers.
Parents may want to know that the education our keki are receiving, in public schools today, comes directly from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO.) This U.N. education flows through a variety of domestic channels, to give the impression that it is a "state-led" program. This U.N. education is currently called Common Core State Standards. Perhaps the most blatant connection between UNESCO and Common Core can be summed up in one word: "Microsoft." (...if that's a word.) Or in two words: "Bill Gates." Mr. Gates, global philanthropist, maintains a "Cooperation Agreement"[Pdf.] with UNESCO to further that organization's educational agendas. This contract between Microsoft and UNESCO clarifies: "Microsoft supports the objectives of UNESCO as stipulated in UNESCO's Constitution and intends to contribute to UNESCO's programme priorities." Meanwhile, The Gates Foundation is the lead financier of education in the United States. Most, if not all, education in the United States is aligned with Common Core. Hawaii is no exception. Students in both public and private schools in Hawaii are receiving educations that further UNESCO's"programme priorities." -------------------------- U.N. Agenda 21--Chapter 36 on Education Promoting Education, Public Awareness And Training: http://www.un-documents.net/a21-36.htm
"Governments should strive to update or prepare strategies aimed at integrating environment and development as a cross-cutting issue into education at all levels within the next three years. This should be done in cooperation with all sectors of society. The strategies should set out policies and activities, and identify needs, cost, means and schedules for their implementation, evaluation and review. A thorough review of curricula should be undertaken to ensure a multidisciplinary approach, with environment and development issues and their socio-cultural and demographic aspects and linkages. Due respect should be given to community-defined needs and diverse knowledge systems, including science, cultural and social sensitivities;" ------------------------ While we're at it
Welcome to Agenda 21 There is a certain SB 3065 in the current Legislature having to do with "LAND EXCHANGE." This is a 3-part bill; and we might easily call it "THE OAHU LANDS JUGGLING ACT." The three parts follow as thus: Part I:Authorizes the State to exchange lands for certain agricultural and conservation lands owned by Dole Food Company, Inc. Part II:Expands the Kalaeloa community development district. Part III:Establishes the Whitmore project facility revenue bond special fund into which proceeds from revenue bonds shall be deposited for purchasing certain parcels of land from Dole Food Company, Inc. Appropriates funds to acquire certain Dole Food lands. SB 3065 is spearheaded by Donovan Dela Cruz, making it suspect from the start. Though, to the untrained eye, the bill seems innocent and well-intended enough. One might even be fooled into thinking that the good senator has turned over a new leaf [this election year] and is actually doing something beneficial for the state. Yet, to the experienced conspiracy theorist, this bill stinks to high heaven of Agenda 21. This second paragraph is a dead giveaway. You hardly need to read any further: "The legislature further finds that there is a continuing need to protect and preserve unique natural assets, both for the enjoyment of future generations and to establish base lines for environmental impact. The present system of preserves, sanctuaries, and refuges must be strengthened, and additional areas of land suitable for agriculture and preservation should be set aside. These additional areas of land may contain rare species of plants and animals, portions of the State's major watershed areas, and prime agricultural lands." If this paragraph seems innocuous to you, then you need to brush up on Agenda 21--The United Nations plan for global sustainable development; including The Wildlands Project. There are many on-line sources to explore. You can get a quick A-21 summery here:
You might not believe everything in this presentation, but please hear it out. And ask yourself, "What if only half the information presented here is true? Would it be OK?"* My thought is that this U.N. Agenda 21 may be twice as sinister as this slide presentation describes. If you let your imagination run for awhile, you might come to the same conclusions that I have. Buffer Zones. The buffer zones, as found in the Wildlands scheme to protect bio diversity, are not clearly defined in SB 3065. But they are subtlety there--hiding in plain sight: "The present system of preserves, sanctuaries, and refuges must be strengthened,..."
That "strengthening" will arrive in later bills, maybe next year--after the election--when everybody doesn't have to be on their best behavior. Here, the strengthening bit will be better defined; and we will see the words: "BUFFER ZONE."! ---------------
Senator Laura Thielen does a run down on this bill, SB5065, on her blog, here. (See Contest and Contest Updates...it starts here. ) A surprise ending comes with the Attorney Genera'ls testimony.
I should like to draw your attention to a certain bill--SB 727--RELATING TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, which is currently floating in the HI State Legislature; which was introduced during the 2013 session by Senator Donovan Dela Cruz; and which was carried over to the 2014 session. By its own account, the nature of this bill is as follows:
"Expressly prohibits the enactment of county ordinances relating to the protection of property and the order and security of inhabitants, if the ordinances conflict with the intent of state or federal statutes, rules, or regulations."
This bill is alive and well. My guess is that there will not be a lot of pressure to advance this bill during this election year because of its proven unpopularity. Though we will see it resurface in 2015, when Mr. Abercrombie (or his chosen replacement) is (re)elected. The first thing to note is that this motion is in complete violation of the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which reads: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." ...and therefore Mr. Dela Cruz, and all State Legislators who support this bill, are in full violation of their oaths of office. Second, while the motive for this bill is not defined anywhere in it, the suspected motive is to protect GMO Agribusiness from County ordinances which restrict their activity in any way. These county ordinances, are designed to protect public health. They are driven by the concerns of island people about real threats posed by giant Agribusiness and GMOs. THIRD: This bill, if passed, opens the door for state and federal governments to invade counties, and inflict any manner of harm on the people that they wish, without interference from the County governments. This outrageous bill, if it passes into law, would be just short of a DECLARATION OF WAR, on the People of Hawaii.
Pono Choice? The once-secret and now-exposed sex education program for Hawaii public schools, called PONO Choices, sets the State of Hawaii up for a well-deserved civil law suit.
The Ghost Ship from Hell
PONO CHOICES describes itself as "A Culturally Responsive Teen Pregnancy and STI Prevention Program." Though one read of the instructor's manual, shows that the author is clueless of culture in Hawaii. It is no surprise that this author has not signed their name to this work. Nonetheless the BOE and DOE and Governor Abercrombie have promoted it to the schools. So they, it seems, are left holding the liability bag. PONO CHOICES clarifies its "Target Audience" as follows: "The target population is Native Hawaiians, Part-Hawaiians and Asian/Pacific Islander students, ages 11 thru 13. who attend 7th grade in middle or intermediate schools." Which is blatant violation of Article X--Section ONE, of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii; which specifies: "There shall be no discrimination in public educational institutions because of race, religion, sex or ancestry" If this doesn't rouse Hawaii's people to challenge the State's new education system--Common Core (with all its add-ons)--in a court of law, I guess nothing will.